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Old 09-01-2022, 03:03 AM   #1
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heredos began at the beginning.
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what's the clean way to stop and restart nickel?

I'm developing a small app for my kobo in c using SDL.
Since SDL1 does not support the kobo touchscreen, I have to work around reading touch inputs directly from /dev/input/event1. But obviously, nickel, that is still running under my app also gets the touch inputs and behave accordingly, sometimes drawing over my app.

I tried to have a launcher script doing a "killall nickel" before launching my app, but my Clara HD restarts after a few seconds when I do that.
I had a wild guess that qt handled this, but I don't want to add too many dependencies to my code, especially since I am not very comfortable with c++ and I never used qt before (I plan on learning them, though, but not right now, else my tech classes would really become boring).

Can some kobo developer with more experience than me tell me how they do it for their apps?

Thanks in advance, heredos
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