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Old 03-09-2024, 11:19 AM   #1306
Plugin Developer
JimmXinu ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.JimmXinu ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.JimmXinu ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.JimmXinu ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.JimmXinu ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.JimmXinu ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.JimmXinu ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.JimmXinu ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.JimmXinu ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.JimmXinu ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.JimmXinu ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
JimmXinu's Avatar
Posts: 6,382
Karma: 3966377
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Midwest USA
Device: Kindle Paperwhite(10th)
I have used a Reading List set to 'Sync this device as soon as connected' to send new/changed books to my Kindle for years. Generally, several times a day.

Since the release of Calibre 7, I have had an intermittent problem: After connecting the Kindle, and part way through sending to Kindle Calibre just hangs and I have to kill Calibre. Happens perhaps 1 time in 10?

Turning off 'Sync when connected' on the list and instead calling RL's 'Sync Now' manually doesn't seem to have the same problem.

I think this is an interaction between Calibre 7 and RL? Did something change in the device connected hook? I'm hoping somebody has an idea.

I have not been able to replicate this on demand, but here's a debug I captured:
calibre 7.6  embedded-python: True
Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')
('Windows', '10', '10.0.19045')
Python 3.11.5
Windows: ('10', '10.0.19045', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free')
Interface language: None
EXE path: c:\Program Files\Calibre2\calibre-debug.exe
Successfully initialized third party plugins: DeDRM (10, 0, 3) && ColumnSum (2, 2, 0) && Count Pages (1, 13, 5) && EpubMerge (2, 17, 1) && EpubSplit (3, 6, 1) && FanFicFare (4, 32, 4) && Favourites Menu (1, 3, 0) && Find Duplicates (1, 10, 8) && Generate Cover (2, 3, 3) && Jimms Editor Addons (0, 0, 1) && Manage Series (1, 5, 2) && Modify ePub (1, 8, 2) && Quality Check (1, 13, 8) && Reading List (1, 15, 1) && ScrambleEbook (0, 6, 0) && SmartEject (2, 5, 0) && SpacerName (0, 0, 2) && SplitMergeNew (0, 3, 0) && View Manager (1, 10, 2)
QPA platform: windows
devicePixelRatio: 2.0
logicalDpi: 96.0 x 96.0
physicalDpi: 141.7674418604651 x 141.4020618556701
ApplicationPaletteChange event ignored
Using calibre Qt style: True
[0.00] Starting up...
[0.00] Initializing db...
[0.55] db initialized
[0.55] Constructing main UI...
qt.webengine.QWebEngineView OK
[4.25] GUI main window shown
EpubMerge: DEBUG: 2024-03-09 10:00:03,105: calibre_plugins.epubmerge.epubmerge_plugin(156): macmenuhack file_path:C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\fanficfare_macmenuhack.txt
FFF: DEBUG: 2024-03-09 10:00:03,153: calibre_plugins.fanficfare_plugin.fff_plugin(215): Plugin FanFicFare macmenuhack file_path:C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\fanficfare_macmenuhack.txt
[4.55] main UI initialized...
[4.55] Started up in 4.55 seconds with 6421 books
Storage number map:
{(7, 0): [(3, 'C')], (7, 1): [(1, 'E')]}
Storage number for USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_KINDLE&PROD_INTERNAL_STORAGE&REV_0401\G8S0PP12127604KM&0: StorageDeviceNumber(type=7, number=1, partition_number=0)
Drive letters for USBDevice(vendor_id=0x1949 product_id=0x324 bcd=0x401 devid=usb\vid_1949&pid_0324&rev_0401 devinst=13)
{'drive_letters': ['E'],
 'pnp_id_map': {'E': '\\\\?\\usbstor#disk&ven_kindle&prod_internal_storage&rev_0401#g8s0pp12127604km&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'},
 'readonly_drives': set(),
 'sort_map': {'E': (1, 1)}}
Syncing cover thumbnails to workaround amazon cover bug
Restored 0 cover thumbnails that were destroyed by Amazon
Job: 0 Get device information started
DeviceJob: 0 Get device information done, calling callback
DeviceJob: 0 Get device information callback returned
Job: 1 Set library information started
DeviceJob: 1 Set library information done, calling callback
DeviceJob: 1 Set library information callback returned
Job: 2 Get list of books on device started
DEBUG:    0.0 USBMS: Fetching list of books from device. Device= KINDLE2 oncard= None
DEBUG:    0.0 USBMS: dirs are: E:\ documents
Job: 0 Get device information finished
No details available.
Job: 1 Set library information finished
No details available.
DEBUG:    3.9 USBMS: scan from root False E:\documents
DEBUG:   15.4 USBMS: count found in cache: 6424, count of files in metadata: 6424, need_sync: False
DEBUG:   15.4 USBMS: Finished fetching list of books from device. oncard= None
DEBUG:   15.4 USBMS: Fetching list of books from device. Device= KINDLE2 oncard= carda
DEBUG:   15.4 USBMS: Fetching list of books from device. Device= KINDLE2 oncard= cardb
DeviceJob: 2 Get list of books on device done, calling callback
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: Starting set_books_in_library
DeviceJob: set_books_in_library: books to process= 6424
DeviceJob: set_books_in_library finished: time= 0.07103323936462402
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: updating views
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: syncing
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: refreshing ondevice
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: sending metadata_available signal
READING LIST: Metadata available: {'main': {'last_library_uuid': 'f835a254-143e-4293-c466-d075973e44a4', 'calibre_version': '7.6.0', 'prefix': 'E:/', 'location_code': 'main', 'date_last_connected': '2024-03-09T16:00:37.319530+00:00', 'device_name': 'Kindle PaperWhite', 'device_store_uuid': 'c0ba076f-fcad-78eb-b14c-e81c0ac77f64'}}
READING LIST: Sync Now - force_sync= False
READING LIST: Device found to sync to: Kindle PaperWhite c0ba076f-fcad-78eb-b14c-e81c0ac77f64
READING LIST: Syncing 6 books in 'Add to Kindle' to: b0ba076f-fcad-78eb-b14c-f81c0ac77f64 (location:None)
DeviceJob: 2 Get list of books on device callback returned
Job: 3 Upload 6 books to the device: Tome of the Orange Sky, Little Hunter, Star Wars: The Force Wills, Return of the Stellar Empress, Nemesis, A Meeting that changed the Galaxies started
Device using plugboard azw3 KINDLE2 [['{#title_prefix:|| }{series:|| }{series_index:0>2s|| - }{title}{#wordcount:| (|)}{tags:| |}{#extranotes:| - |}', 'title'], ["{authors:shorten(215,'-',0)}", 'authors']]
Setting metadata in: Tome of the Orange Sky at: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre_20o1sbx9\i802oqe2caltmpfmt.azw3
Job: 2 Get list of books on device finished
No details available.
Device using plugboard azw3 KINDLE2 [['{#title_prefix:|| }{series:|| }{series_index:0>2s|| - }{title}{#wordcount:| (|)}{tags:| |}{#extranotes:| - |}', 'title'], ["{authors:shorten(215,'-',0)}", 'authors']]
Setting metadata in: Little Hunter at: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre_20o1sbx9\11qzndq_caltmpfmt.azw3
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