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Old 05-05-2024, 07:15 AM   #1
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TheHustler5950X began at the beginning.
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Device: Kindle Oasis 3 (10thGen)
Lightbulb EReader for Academic Use: Kindle Oasis Good or Bad? + Concerns

Hi everyone! Hope everyone's doing fantastic

This is my very first thread on! yay!
I am Student in India and as school is starting soon, I need a good e-reader for my PDFs and notes. My school only allows basic devices to school, so no iPads or Tablets, which is why i am looking for a eReader, which our school is fine with !!

In India, there aren't too many choices for e-readers. I've looked at Kobo (Libra 2, Nia, Clara 2E), Kindle (Oasis, Paperwhite), and ReMarkable 2, they are the only eReaders at the time which are retailing in India. After checking them out, I decided to go with the Kindle Oasis (10th Gen).

I have got a deal for the 32GB(Refurbished) for INR 12,000 (USD 143)
seeing the Amazon reviews and feedback from a friend working at Amazon, Certified refurbished items are apprently reliable.

Now, I need your help with a few things about the Kindle Oasis:

1. Battery Life: I have read about the Notorious Battery performance of the Kindle, Ill be using it for least 4 to 6 hours a day, Even longer during exam season. I dont mind charging it like once in a day or twice as long it can go 12 - 15 hours (while out at school).

What have your experiences with battery usage been like ?

What actually worries me is that people have shared about their Oasis going "Dead" after only a year of use, either cuz the battery has gone beyond okay, or cuz it got stuck in a Boot Loop of death.

Is that a common thing? or smth wrong with thier Oasis? If that is the case, i should be better off buying a new one right? -- Brand new Oasis costs INR 28,000 (USD 335) and Libra 2 at INR 19,999 (USD 239)

2.Screen Issues: I've heard some people talk about with the ghosting seen on the device. Is that a big issue? I'm worried it might be hard to read long PDFs and notes if the screen isn't good.

I am okay with using a high refresh rate but that would drain the battery quicker, wouldn't it?

3.PDFs: Since a lot of my school stuff is in PDFs and like handwritten notes (written by a stylus), I want to know if the Kindle Oasis works well with them. Does it show them nicely, or are there any problems?

I am a power user and have PCs available most of the time it's alright if i'll have to use something like Calibre.

> Subquestion to 3: While looking around, i came across KOReader and the whole "Jailbreaking" process you need to do in Kindles(which is easier in the Kobos), I didnt entirely get that part? could you guys maybe give an explanation to that and is it worth it and How does KOReader actually work?

Anything Else? If there's anything else I should know about the Kindle Oasis before I decide, please tell me! Whether it's easy to hold, if I can take notes, or anything else, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks a lot for helping me out! 📚✨

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