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Old 04-13-2016, 03:06 PM   #1
SJC-Caron can tame squirrels without the assistance of a chair or a whip.SJC-Caron can tame squirrels without the assistance of a chair or a whip.SJC-Caron can tame squirrels without the assistance of a chair or a whip.SJC-Caron can tame squirrels without the assistance of a chair or a whip.SJC-Caron can tame squirrels without the assistance of a chair or a whip.SJC-Caron can tame squirrels without the assistance of a chair or a whip.SJC-Caron can tame squirrels without the assistance of a chair or a whip.SJC-Caron can tame squirrels without the assistance of a chair or a whip.SJC-Caron can tame squirrels without the assistance of a chair or a whip.SJC-Caron can tame squirrels without the assistance of a chair or a whip.SJC-Caron can tame squirrels without the assistance of a chair or a whip.
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Question Creating epub/kepub books (docx→epub/kepub via MS Word→Calibre)

There are several fanfics that I find my self re-reading with some frequency, so I wanted to get an off-line version of these files for my Kobo e-reader. Since existing direct-from-fanfic-websites extractors have various problems for me, I decided to extract and format the text myself (personal use only of course). As I have no programing experience I would rather do as much as possible in Microsoft Word and avoid playing around with HTML tags in the Caliber epub editor as much as possible. I have tried this once before and noticed that the embedded fonts looked noticeably different on my Kobo (fonts set to publisher default) then on my computer in both MS Word and the Calibre epub viewer.

My questions are as follows:

1) How do I force sections of text not to be user modifiable on a e-reader? eg: keep chapter headings in publisher default font (eg: a handwriting font) while letting the user select his/her font preferences for the main body of text; keep a quote center-justified while letting the user select the text justification for the rest of the text.

2) How do I ensure that chapters don't end on a blank page on e-readers?

3) I am taking full advantage of MS Word's headings, page breaks, etc. and am formatting the text in web-view mode to better reflect that epubs/kepubs are based on simplified websites in terms of their internal mechanics. Is there any non-obvious features in MS Word that I should be taking advantage of?

4) Any tips and tricks for Calibre conversion settings from docx→epub/kepub? There seams not to be as much conversation about converting from docx as there is converting from other formats to epub on this site.

5) Any other advice for this project?

Word Processor: Microsoft Word 2016 64bit
E-Book Software: Caliber 2.52 64bit (with all available Kobo plugins)
E-Reader: Kobo Aura H2O (firmware 3.19.5761 with Metazoa patches)

Unrelated PS: Check out the thread I started RE: Open/Free University/Academic & Other High Quality Presses That Provide E-Books for FREE
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